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VA10 Football God 4,806 pts

Corrupted Officials

Posted by VA10 over 8 years ago · 28 replies

I know on the back of our game it might seem like an emotional conclusion but I don't understand why the officials are so interested in helping Chelsea? It doesn't stop there as well, the journalists are all trying to jump start their season by writing stupid articles like Cesc and Hazard are back etc. Not to mention their constant buttlicking of Jose. What are your thoughts?


AWassist 1,487 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by AWassist

I'd call that biased, not corrupted. Corruption means structural and intentional fraud by people in power. SAF got help on the pitch, but I think that had more to do with refs being influenced by his mind-games and behaviour, not that there was some secret conspiracy amongst referees to give favour to Man Utd.

I cant agree with that! FA has reviews ref's action after the matches and Ref's should know how to deal with the situation next time(SAF pressure). Mike Riley was one of the poorest referees and is head of the PGMOB and ref's standards are here for everyone to see.
This cannot happen with out corruption or FA's i don't care attitude.

STUART 486 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by STUART

I believe there was a concious bias, probably not a full blown conspiracy though.

AWassist 1,487 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by AWassist

I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm saying I don't believe in some FA conspiracy to give Man Utd an advantage in that capacity.

Choosing to ignore biased behavior in favour of one team is consistently is conspiracy.

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