Soon introducing the Arsenal Report Marketplace!
We find great Arsenal merchandise all the time, but it's hard to keep track of all the good stuff. Bookmarks are outdated, and sites move all the time. So we're going to start a marketplace here on Arsenal Report that will showcase the best artwork, clothing, accessories, etc from the community, in one central place. So if you create merch, or know of any good stuff, let us know!
Right, so how will it work?
Scenario 1: You create merch and have your own site/Etsy/whatever. Contact us immediately! If we like what you do we'll put you in our marketplace and Arsenal Report will take no cut.
We're not interested in making money off someone else's work. We do, however, ask for one sample of the product showcased, for a few reasons; a) we want our own description and product images for a uniform look on the site, and b) we will give away these products as competition prizes when promoting your product.
Users will be directed to the product on your own site, we essentially just offer free promotion. So if you have stuff you're selling already, get in touch to see if we think it's a good fit (we're interested in quality, not quantity), then send us a sample and off you go.
Scenario 2: You don't have your own site or selling platform.Use Arsenal Report's payment and marketplace functionality!
In this case we unfortunately have to take a small cut to cover credit card costs and fees (usually around 4-5%), but again...we're not interested in making money off your work, so the cut is only to break even.
Scenario 3: You don't have a product but would love to start creating Arsenal-related stuff. We're happy to help! Send us your general idea and we'll continue from there. We have experience in ecommerce and products, so we can offer you some good advice and feedback.
Arsenal Report has always been (and always will be) not-for-profit. We use no advertisement, and we don't charge for any of our data. This marketplace is part of that ethos. If you create Arsenal-related merch or things, or if you know anyone that does...please say hello in the comments, or send us an email at:

[email protected]
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