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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

You're prime minister of football for one day, what do you change?

Posted by Ix Techau almost 9 years ago · 15 replies

For one day you're allowed to change rules, add restrictions, do whatever you want in football. I'd probably go for:

  • If a game ends 0-0, both team lose a point. This will ensure both teams try desperately to score at least one goal.

  • Transfer fee and wage caps, a player can never cost more than £20m and never earn more than £100k/week. To prevent fiddling, a player should never be able to earn more than £1m/year from football-related income (sponsorship, etc).

  • No more separation between women's and men's football. Women now compete on the same terms, in the same league system.

What would you do?


Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Simen

Allow video replays to be used a certain amount of times per game. So that a manager could (with very controversial desicions - penalties/red cards/injuries/etc.) use one "video slip" and get the situation reviewed for 1 minute by the referees with slow mo and everything.

Works fine with American football, cues a short commercial break (well, not good for the flow of the game, but good for the marketing and value of it). This also works fine with Hockey. This also gives room for better half time analysis' on commercial TV-channels with more income during the game itself.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Allow video replays to be used a certain amount of times per game. So that a manager could (with very controversial desicions - penalties/red cards/injuries/etc.) use one "video slip" and get the situation reviewed for 1 minute by the referees with slow mo and everything.Works fine with American football, cues a short commercial break (well, not good for the flow of the game, but good for the marketing and value of it). This also works fine with Hockey. This also gives room for better half time analysis' on commercial TV-channels with more income during the game itself.

Why even pause the game, why not just have a special video referee that study clips throughout the game and corrects decisions as he goes? If he sees a red card situation, he calls the ref on his headset and says 'Fellaini off m8', and the ref gives Fellaini a red card even though the tackle could have happened five minutes ago.

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Simen

Yeah, that would be optimal, but it would also make an expectation that there could be NO errors made by refs. And seeing as many situations (hands inside the box and such) are very hard to determine even when watching replays this would probably cause even more frustration. The more realistic "complaint" system I proposed would make room for mistakes made by refs, but also an opportunity to correct some of them, on the cue of a disgruntled manager.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Yeah, that would be optimal, but it would also make an expectation that there could be NO errors made by refs. And seeing as many situations (hands inside the box and such) are very hard to determine even when watching replays this would probably cause even more frustration. The more realistic "complaint" system I proposed would make room for mistakes made by refs, but also an opportunity to correct some of them, on the cue of a disgruntled manager.

Maybe three individual and separated video refs make decisions throughout the game, and only if the majority agrees on a decision it gets called. Could be 11 video refs, doesn't matter. If six of them flag a situation it gets fed to the ref's headset. That way you'd avoid biased decisions to an extent.

This system would have prevented Barca from winning all those trophies between 2007-2011.

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Simen

Hah! Just thought of this: what if own goals deducted a goal from the "scoring" teams tally instead of adding one to the opposing teams. Wonder how that would affect goal differences at the end of a season.

It would be worth it just to see Spurs with -1 goals scored though.

Seano 568 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Seano

EDIT: Building a sweet list.

  • Video ref's

  • Managers are allowed 2 challenges on decisions per game

  • Wage cap for under 21's

  • Minimum of 3 English players have to start each game

  • You can listen to the Ref (Like rugby)

Seano 568 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Seano

Red card and penalty for a foul in the box by a GK. Red card if he takes out a player out the box. Penalty only if inside.

Id also give myself a job because apparently it is impossible to get a Sport Science job unless you have so many letters after your name it looks welsh.

Seano 568 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Seano

...this is already a rule?

I understand the confusion. I meant I would change the Red card and penalty for a foul in the box by a GK rule so that if a GK commits a foul in the box, i.e. what Courtois did, he would only concede a penalty instead of being red carded and a penalty awarded.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Ix Techau

I understand the confusion. I meant I would change the Red card and penalty for a foul in the box by a GK rule so that if a GK commits a foul in the box, i.e. what Courtois did, he would only concede a penalty instead of being red carded and a penalty awarded.

Ah yeah, the double penalty problem.

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