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Posted by Čech Your Pants over 9 years ago · 5 replies

Čech it out! 3/6 - 2015

This is where I write weekly reflections/opinions about our main passion, the Arsenal.

It’s July again, and the transfer obsession has started. I have to admit, it's a very exiting time to be an Arsenal fan. But is it really necessary?

Everyone are waiting on what's Arsene's next move. The recent signing of Petr Čech has made us a really strong title contender. I have to say, the signing of a new #1 goalkeeper is ruthless. A transfer that really shocked me. Yes, the GK position has never been a strong position at Arsenal for a number of years and in that perspective it is logical to sign a new keeper. But a world class keeper like Čech? From a rival? It came out of nowhere (yes we knew it for quite sometime before the unveiling). As some say, don’t play poker with Mr.Wenger!

But many of us still wants more world class players, of course I want to see the best players play for Arsenal, but is it necessary?

A new striker? Higuain(£35m) or Lacazette(£30m)? Maybe a powerful DM that many has craved for? Schneiderlin(£25m) or William Carvalho(£21m)? I'm not so sure...

I have to make some things clear. I believe that the current Arsenal is very balanced and has so much quality with the addition of Čech. This squad is ready to win the league. I don’t think a new world class DM is needed, I think Wenger should continue playing Coquelin at DM. He’s agile, fast, a real ball winner and has a killer attitude. His performances last season was tremendous!

Now on to Olivier Giroud. I think our tall handsome frenchman is top quality. Here’s why: In our system the players has specific roles. We need someone who can hold up play, win headers and distribute the ball to the more technically gifted players like Santi or Özil. Giroud has got that. He makes players around him better, just look at the goal totals in the squad (PL Goals): Sanchez (16), Giroud (14), Santi (7), Ramsey (6). And with the form Theo ended with we have another option if we need to go in behind our opponents back four with electric pace. Conclusion: I don't think we need a new striker.

If we were to buy a Lacazette/Higuain, it would really impact our style of play. They would not defend as well as Olivier does on corners and they wouldn't win as many headers. Lacazette or Higuain might score 20 goals, but would Santi, Sanchez and Ramsey get as many goals as they do now? I doubt that.

But I think we are going to need some more depth behind Coquelin. I don’t think Arteta can keep up with the pace, a shame because hes such a classy guy and our captain! And Flamini… I don’t think he has the qualities no more.

What do you think? Is a world class striker/DM needed? Is Giroud not good enough?

Please feel free to agree/disagree in the comments!

@CechYourPants on twitter


Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Morleys

Giroud defending corners is overrated. We saw with Theo's late form how much of a breath of fresh air he brought to the attack. Rather than our striker being static he was all over the place and Alexis & Özil were loving it. I believe this is a crucial area where we're lacking star quality. I do think that Giroud is good enough for a title winning backup striker ala Wiltord/Kanu, but he isn't the one to help progress the club forward as a starter.

To not bring in a DM would be negligence of the highest order. I don't mind Coquelin starting but what if he's fatigued, injured or suspended? We're gonna play Arteta or Flamini? No other title contending team would have someone as bad as them two as back up.

Regardless if we sign anyone I expect us to mount a serious title challenge, anything less is unacceptable. And if we don't make signings in the crucial areas and we fail to challenge then the blame has to go on the manager for being negligent.

Mate Kiddleton 1,512 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Mate Kiddleton

I think a lot depends on whether Arsene feels Theo and Welbeck (perhaps even the Ox) can step up this season and be that 15+ goal a season wide poacher/occasional striker. Arteta I feel has still got it. The last game he played, he was bossing it until he got injured and our whole team went to shit after.

However like he always says, if a top quality player is available that is clearly better than our current options, we should try to sign him.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Morleys

Giroud defending corners is overrated. We saw with Theo's late form how much of a breath of fresh air he brought to the attack. Rather than our striker being static he was all over the place and Alexis & Özil were loving it. I believe this is a crucial area where we're lacking star quality. I do think that Giroud is good enough for a title winning backup striker ala Wiltord/Kanu, but he isn't the one to help progress the club forward as a starter.

To not bring in a DM would be negligence of the highest order. I don't mind Coquelin starting but what if he's fatigued, injured or suspended? We're gonna play Arteta or Flamini? No other title contending team would have someone as bad as them two as back up.

Regardless if we sign anyone I expect us to mount a serious title challenge, anything less is unacceptable. And if we don't make signings in the crucial areas and we fail to challenge then the blame has to go on the manager for being negligent.

Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

I think good ideal signings are good for the club like Luis Suarez who was too expensive by less thn 1,000,000. Just need the right people and some time for them to adapt.

Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

Btw, you've got a good username. Comment on some posts to show off how great your username is.

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