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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

2016-2017 Arsenal Report Prediction League

Posted by Ix Techau almost 8 years ago · 48 replies

Before every game you can now predict the outcome (win/draw/loss) and climb the leaderboards over the season and win a prize at the end! Anyone can join Arsenal Report in 30 seconds and start predicting. Prizes haven't been determined yet, but we'll have stuff for the top three predictors.


  1. To avoid people just making one accurate prediction and then stop (staying on 100% until the end), we will look at your attendance throughout the season (your predictions / number of matches played) and filter out people below a certain attendance. However, this is calculated based on when you registered, so new users can join mid-season and still be in the running. Attendance minimum will likely be around 60-70%.

  2. To avoid people just joining before the last game of the season, we require the predictors to have made a minimum number of predictions throughout the season. Minimum will likely be around 6-10 predictions.

  3. Don't be an arsehole. It's very easy for us to spot exploits.

That's it, start predicting! You can always find the next upcoming game on the home page.


Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 7 years ago by Ix Techau

with 50% of attendance, people tend to take safe approach when comes to prediction...

Yes, but if the leaderboard was about points instead, something as simple as

accuracy + attendance = prediction score

If we used that formula it would incentivise people to get a higher attendance. Using the above formula, the top 5 leaderboard would have ended like this:

  1. DJ
  2. medintern
  4. me
  5. Alex

...which makes more sense if you look at attendance.

DJ 115 pts
Posted about 7 years ago by DJ

No complaints about the change from me. If only I had been betting for real money instead of for time with John Terry.

THE POLICE Arsenal Forever!!! 4,636 pts
Posted about 7 years ago by THE POLICE

I'll have some prices for the top 3 in the summer, probably a home kit each.

Good one.. But when's DJ's date with Terry, Nasri and ISIS leader !!! :P

"Whoever is at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the season wins 15 minutes alone in a windowless room with John Terry, Samir Nasri and an ISIS-leader of his or her choice."

Uh, "no"...
DJ 115 pts
Posted about 7 years ago by DJ

Can I choose any ISIS leader? And is airfare to Iraq Syria included? Now that I think of it, a home kit sounds a bit nicer if still an option...

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