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VA10 Football God 4,806 pts

Post Arsene Era

Posted by VA10 over 9 years ago · 15 replies

Sooo as we know, the greatest man to have ever managed a football club has a contract with us until 2017. It'll be his 20th year in charge and it seems likely that he'll call it a day. Who do you think should take over? What do you think will happen to us after he leaves? Will we be able to stay in the top 4 in our first season without him? Have you started building a bomb shelter? Which gas masks would you recommend? Etc.

At this moment (and it might change in 2017) I think Pep is the best option for us. First of all, this appointment will probably force Cesc Fabregas in a deep depression. Secondly we'll be able to keep hold of the world best right back, Bellerin. I also think there's no way he'll finish outside the top 4 and given the healthy condition Wenger is leaving the club, I think he'll even challenge for the title. And he's a great manager, wins things and other meaningless reasons. I've even added a post nuclear London landscape...

Image title


Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Without going into a whole Pep discussion, there is no way in hell he'll ever manage Arsenal. It's wishful thinking, at best. I think we're going for someone more up-and-coming. It would be out of character for us as a club to appoint some high profile manager - it has never happened in the history of the club.

Anyway, I'm not convinced Wenger will leave in 2017.

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by VA10

I think he will... Not that I want him to. As for counterargument, we've never been in a better position as a club to appoint someone of Pep's stature. Also, can we get your comment on how you think Arsenal will do in their first season without the greatest manager who has ever lived, the man who coined the phrase "Take a chill pill"?

As I was typing "Not that I want him to", I had a typo and wrote "Not that I want jim to". Then I realized how close H and J are on the keyboard. Is it deliberate so Jim becomes the most famous male name?

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

I think he will... Not that I want him to. As for counterargument, we've never been in a better position as a club to appoint someone of Pep's stature.

...and we're far off still. Guardiola operates in the tier above ours, which we have yet to break into even at the height of our glory days. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United (for some reason), Bayern, and lately Chelsea...these are clubs in the uppermost tier of football. And there is no reason whatsoever for Guardiola to trade down when he will be offered any position he wants at a top tier club.

Also, can we get your comment on how you think Arsenal will do in their first season without the greatest manager who has ever lived, the man who coined the phrase "Take a chill pill"?

I think we'll do better than Man Utd did, simply because I believe we are underperforming under Wenger. Man Utd were drastically overperforming under Fergie, I don't believe we're in that position. I think a proper tactician and modern manager would be able to squeeze more out of the current personnel.

Is it deliberate so Jim becomes the most famous male name?

Yes. #Misogyny

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by VA10

Sure we haven't been winning things lately but we're a great club. To suggest that Pep might chose Chelsea over us is insane. No one in their right mind would work under Roman. I don't see United sacking LVG quickly. I'm about 94.7% sure we'll get Pep.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Sure we haven't been winning things lately but we're a great club.

Yes, but objectively we're far from being a top tier club. Whether we like it or not, we're on par with Liverpool, Atletico Madrid, Dortmund, AC Milan, etc. And the step up to the top tier is huge. It takes years of dominance and consistency.

To suggest that Pep might chose Chelsea over us is insane.

I'm not saying he would, I'm saying that's the tier he operates in. Why would he choose Arsenal when he can choose any club he wants? If he said tonight he'd love to manage Man Utd next season, Van Gaal would be unemployed by tomorrow am. Same goes for Man City, PSG, Barca...even Real Madrid would have a serious think about it.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Morleys

If we appoint someone like Stoijkovic/Bould then get set lads, we're heading out of the CL places. We are in a position where there's no excuses for mediocrity. Our next manager is just as important as signing 40m players.

AWassist 1,487 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by AWassist

Anyway, I'm not convinced Wenger will leave in 2017.

I would love him to stay till 2020 but i doubt he will unless he keeps adding trophies from now on. We have added big players and will continue to do so. The only way to do that is Trophies or Money. We dont have oil money. So we will have to win or AW would be asked to move to the Board.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Morleys

Arsene joining the board post managerial retirement would be one of the worst decisions we could ever make. He should have no hand in Arsenal matters once he leaves.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

If we appoint someone like Stoijkovic/Bould then get set lads, we're heading out of the CL places.

Probably won't be someone as "unknown" as that, but I definitely think it will be someone like Klopp over someone like Guardiola. Joachim Low might be a good guess for 2017.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Arsene joining the board post managerial retirement would be one of the worst decisions we could ever make. He should have no hand in Arsenal matters once he leaves.

Not in a directly actionable role, but as club ambassador or DoF I think he should stay. He's very charming, very good at convincing players Arsenal is the right career decision, and would be an excellent club politician.

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by VA10

She should totally have a role after he quits as a manager. We can't get in a reckless manager who might ruin everything with idiotic transfers. Now I know that will be controlled without Arsene but I'd feel much more secure with him having a say.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Morleys

Simeone would be great. His personality is great and the total opposite of Wenger which would be interesting to see.

Joachim Löw's career as a club manager really isn't impressive and I believe we should be aiming higher than De Boer.

I loved the idea of Klopp but he has the flaws that I associate with Arsene a lot. Not a great tactician and very, very stubborn.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Simeone would be great. His personality is great and the total opposite of Wenger which would be interesting to see. I loved the idea of Klopp but he has the flaws that I associate with Arsene a lot. Not a great tactician and very, very stubborn.

Diego Simeone and Jurgen Klopp is the same type of character, and the last type of character we need. Neither of them are tacticians. They're both strong characters and motivators, 'one of the boys' type approach where it's all about unity and team spirit over tactics. This works well for some teams, but that is exactly what we have now at Arsenal and, although we're doing fine, we should be doing much better.

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