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Mate Kiddleton 1,512 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Mate Kiddleton

I guess the big test now is how he uses his full squad given that almost everyone is back from injury. Will he just cram his best players in the first XI every game? Or switch it up depending on the opposition.

Patron Experiences frequent chest pains from watching Arsenal 5 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Patron

I guess the big test now is how he uses his full squad given that almost everyone is back from injury. Will he just cram his best players in the first XI every game? Or switch it up depending on the opposition.

Soon enough we'll have a few first team players injured. Our squad rotation is basically managed by injuries.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

I guess the big test now is how he uses his full squad given that almost everyone is back from injury. Will he just cram his best players in the first XI every game? Or switch it up depending on the opposition.

Hopefully it will be the sensible approach of playing the most in-form players but alter slightly based on who we're playing. I'd love to see him drop Ozil if we're playing a high-pressing team, for example. Mesut is too measured to handle intensive pressing well. Alexis or Wilshere better as #10s in that situation.

I'd also love to see us go 4-4-2 against lesser opposition. Not because that formation is better than any other, but because we have a perfect recipe for a classic target/poacher partnership in Giroud and Welbeck. Frenchman wins the headers and flicks the ball, Welbeck is in position for a run or a tap-in. We just need a strong CM partnership to compensate for the loss of an extra man in the middle. I'd probably say Coquelin+Ramsey, with Alexis on the left and maybe Bellerin on the right (Debuchy as RB, Bellerin as RM).

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by VA10

Bellerin and Debuchy together? There's hardly any space for Santi, Ozi, Ramsey, Wilshere, Theo and the Ox as it is....

An absolute brutal midfield is one with Coquelin and Wilshere. Both with us since childhood and both proper cunts when it comes to dealing with opposition.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Bellerin and Debuchy together? There's hardly any space for Santi, Ozi, Ramsey, Wilshere, Theo and the Ox as it is....An absolute brutal midfield is one with Coquelin and Wilshere. Both with us since childhood and both proper cunts when it comes to dealing with opposition.

Well only when playing 4-4-2 against lesser opposition (and probably only at home) this would be 6-7 games per season. Depending on what that opposition team is, a more attacking player could go in the RM slot. The reason I went with Ramsey over Wilshere is just balance...Ramsey offers more protection.

AWassist 1,487 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by AWassist

Earlier this month, Tomas Rosicky revealed that the manager has indeed made “adjustments” to his tactics. “We changed some stuff slightly in our preparation for these games,” he said after the convincing win over Liverpool. “We’re doing a little more tactical work and we changed some stuff against the big teams.”

I hope we can respond against Chelski and shut up Mou..

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Simen

I'd love to see him drop Ozil if we're playing a high-pressing team, for example. Mesut is too measured to handle intensive pressing well. Alexis or Wilshere better as #10s in that situation

This is a very good point. It seems to be the root of all the hate going in Özils direction also, that he is being played no matter what opposition we are facing, and no matter what place in the XI is available at that particular point. This makes him loose the ball in unflattering positions and some fans find him overrated as a result.

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