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Crystal Palace


Premier league Monday 10 Apr 2017, 20:00 · Sky Sports 1

3d pitch
Predict-A-Tron (13 predictions)
Crystal Palace win Draw Arsenal win
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Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

Arsenal are most likely going to win because we got some winning form up our sleeve to beat Crystal Palace

Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

They will be tough because they have Zaza and Bentenke who have performed well against Chelsea. Just play our game with Elneny and we've got a win on our hands.

Come at me bro
Come at me bro
Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

We just lost 3-0 to them. When I say Zaza make the runs, I started to worry. Emi wasn't too bad but I wanted to see goals. I wish we could have made an impact especially since we had 70% of the possesion.

Little niggle
Little bit niggle
Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Morleys

anyone who thinks arsene should be in charge next season needs to be put down for their own good

Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

He should be in charge unless we have someone to replace him. Otherwise, you are getting rid of a decent manager that has been here for over 20 years with no one to succeed him.

If we get Simeone, then get rid of Wenger.

And have Kroenke have the balls sack him and get the manager we need.

Uh, "no"...
Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Morleys

Tuchel, Sampaoli, Allegri, Sarri, Jardim all available if we want them enough. All of which are better than Arsene

THE POLICE Arsenal Forever!!! 4,636 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by THE POLICE

Tuchel, Sampaoli, Allegri, Sarri, Jardim all available if we want them enough. All of which are better than Arsene

“The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side”

Proper banter
Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

I wouldn't go for Allegri since he doesn't fit our type of football. I'd say get Jardim, Tuchel, or Simeone because they know how to play well and they can look for good young talent.

Like Wenger, Jardim knows the french market and Monaco's academy which will give him the advantage to sign some of these young prospects like Mbappe.

poodris 2,818 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by poodris

Wenger just lost to a team he said a few short weeks ago doesn't even exist. Is his excuse for not taking any points yesterday that it's impossible to take points when playing against a team that does not exist?

Arsenal, the ONLY team in London!

THE POLICE Arsenal Forever!!! 4,636 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by THE POLICE

Tuchel, Sampaoli, Allegri, Sarri, Jardim to replace Wenger... really ??? As though they had so much success with their current clubs (except Allegri @ Juventus)...

Instead how about replacing Kroenke with Usmanov???

Arsenal - The ONLY team in London!!!

Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted over 7 years ago by Gunner

Instead how about replacing Kroenke with Usmanov???

I agree since Wenger had that "no" person with some board member. Since that guy left in 2007, we haven't had that "no" person since. Kroenke is lazy and only cares if he benefits from the club as much as possible at the expense of the team, the fans, and possibly, the manager.

Proper banter

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