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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

Feature requests, bug reports, etc

Posted by Ix Techau almost 10 years ago · 299 replies

Use this thread to report any bugs you come across, or to suggest any new/fun features for the platform.

Last three updates (you can see a detailed changelog here):

v3.62 (19 Mar 2017)
  • Removed the AAS due to low figures
  • Some refactoring and code cleanup across the board
  • Finally fixed the reset password system
  • Removed all non-HTTPS links to avoid cross-region errors
  • "Expected return" added to the Injury API
  • Prediction performance and stats added to user profiles
v3.61 (28 Jan 2017)
  • Code refactoring started, site should become faster over the next few weeks
  • Complete revamp of the mobile site nav + mobile optimisations
  • Style tweaks all over
v3.6 (26 Jan 2017)


Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

It just seems chaotic at the minute without categories to be fair... Also I can't figure out how the topic listing is sorted.

On the first tab it's sorted by an algorithm that takes upvotes and comments into account. That way you'll always see the "hot" topics on the front page (Reddit style). As the member count grows and people start using the up/down votes, the first feed will become more accurate.

The second tab just shows you all topics ordered by created date.

Categories won't be necessary in the long run, the up/down voting and commenting will act as the filter for popular and new posts.

Also, as soon as I get the 'unread posts' working properly, it will make more sense. Right now there isn't a good sense of what is new or not, you don't really know if someone has responded to a thread, etc. Soon you'll be able to immediately see if a post has had new activity since you visited it. When that works I can add a third tab to the homepage called 'unread'.

Categories are so 2013! ;)

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Simen

I'm sure these are in the process, but I thought I'd list them:

  • Functional profile pages with ability to track old posts/topics, and send personal messages
  • Ability to mark topics as read without opening them (or maybe mark as "uninterresting" if you don't want to follow the conversation in that specific topic?)

I also prefer categories to a big wall of topics. Maybe they are a bit dominant right now? Too bold. The headlines I mean. I at least have some trouble grasping everything that is going on on the page. I view it on a 27" monitor. I would also like a larger area to click to return to the index page. Or/and a designated "home" button.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Functional profile pages with ability to track old posts/topics, and send personal messages

Looking at profile pages later today. PMs will have to wait, as it's a major operation.

Ability to mark topics as read without opening them

YES. Fucking annoying. Working on a 'mark all as read' button at the moment. It's been tricky to do this because of the way the unread system works, but I think I've come up with a solution.

I also prefer categories to a big wall of topics

I don't think categories and subcategories is the right way to go, too fragmented. The idea is to use the tabs to filter and sort according to your reading habits. For example, having the 'unread' page as your bookmark means you'll only ever see new or newly updated topics, so you wouldn't miss anything.

And when (if) more people come aboard and start using the up/down voting, the sorting will become better.

AND as soon as I've started filtering the 'popular topics' properly (not showing posts older than 1 week, etc), it will become even better.

This format works, as long as we find the right balance in what is displayed where.

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Simen

Maybe you should be directed to the user profile when clicking the picture also? Looks alot like a button with the round design.

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Simen


I also miss the reputation system from 39t. I liked the ability to up/downvote single comments, and a Rep-O-Meter to show how much credz all users have.

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Simen

I would like it if I open a topic with a new, unread, comment that I would be linked directly to the first comment I have not yet read. Right now there's a lot of scrolling.

I see you already have a system for both noticing unread comments and also for linking directly to a comment, so it shouldn't be too much hassle, should it? :)

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

I see you already have a system for both noticing unread comments and also for linking directly to a comment, so it shouldn't be too much hassle, should it? :)

Unfortunately not that easy. The way it works is that if a comment is posted to a thread, the thread itself is marked as unread...but the thread doesn't know what comment is new or not.

I agree it would be nice to be taken to the newest comment, but would need a different system for that.

Patron Experiences frequent chest pains from watching Arsenal 5 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Patron

What about getting notifications if a thread you commented on has a new reply or if your reply gets quoted or something? I mean it'd be hard to remember all the threads you posted in and check back.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

What about getting notifications if a thread you commented on has a new reply or if your reply gets quoted or something? I mean it'd be hard to remember all the threads you posted in and check back.

Yup that would be good in the future. Currently it's easy to follow along, as all new or updated posts are marked as such.

Patron Experiences frequent chest pains from watching Arsenal 5 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Patron

Ix, you should promote this website more. There are currently only about 10 active users.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Ix, you should promote this website more. There are currently only about 10 active users.

If only promoting was that easy. I do try and link to it as often as I can, but getting people to use your site is by far the hardest part of web development. Coming up with a cool idea, coding it and launching it is the easy part.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Ix, you should promote this website more. There are currently only about 10 active users.

Also keep in mind that on sites like these, you always get way more lurkers than active participants. That's how all discussion forums and Reddit-type sites work, the split is usually around 5-10 more lurkers than active posters. So even though there might be only 10 active users, there are probably close to 100 regular lurkers (and my analytics confirms that as well).

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Simen

After using the forums for a little while I am more and more convinced you have to take a look at the "go to latest unread post" function I mentioned earlier. Its a huge hassle trying to scroll to the first unread post when there is no way of telling how many comments has been posted since last visiting the topic.

I for one have a terrible memory, and end up reading 2-3 posts that I have already read before realizing that I've read them before. Almost every time I enter a topic.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

After using the forums for a little while I am more and more convinced you have to take a look at the "go to latest unread post" function I mentioned earlier. Its a huge hassle trying to scroll to the first unread post when there is no way of telling how many comments has been posted since last visiting the topic. I for one have a terrible memory, and end up reading 2-3 posts that I have already read before realizing that I've read them before. Almost every time I enter a topic.

I have it on my list to take a look at, but again keep in mind it's a huge project - I'm not tracking what comments you read or not, which I would have to start doing to understand reading patterns and being able to track unread status.

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