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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

Feature requests, bug reports, etc

Posted by Ix Techau about 10 years ago · 299 replies

Use this thread to report any bugs you come across, or to suggest any new/fun features for the platform.

Last three updates (you can see a detailed changelog here):

v3.62 (19 Mar 2017)
  • Removed the AAS due to low figures
  • Some refactoring and code cleanup across the board
  • Finally fixed the reset password system
  • Removed all non-HTTPS links to avoid cross-region errors
  • "Expected return" added to the Injury API
  • Prediction performance and stats added to user profiles
v3.61 (28 Jan 2017)
  • Code refactoring started, site should become faster over the next few weeks
  • Complete revamp of the mobile site nav + mobile optimisations
  • Style tweaks all over
v3.6 (26 Jan 2017)


Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

What is "karma" in the leaderboards?

It's a points system for activity. Creating posts, making comments, getting +1s, being a member for X months, etc...all builds up your karma score, which then controls the leaderboard and your portrait frame graphic.

All just a bit of fun, really.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Currently in the process of re-thinking how the 'popular' tab works on the homepage. Currently it's sorted by a calculated weighted score based mainly on up/down votes...but no one is actually using this feature, so the homepage isn't accurately showing the most popular threads.

Either the up/downvoting feature isn't clear enough, or it's simply a crap system. I think I'm gonna keep it for now, but put more weight on thread activity.

The homepage is going to be a bit weird for a few days until this weighting has propagated. After that the homepage should be more representative of what is actually the most popular content.

STUART 486 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by STUART

Love your eye for detail in your design work Ix.

This is a really dull suggestion but.., I couldn't find a recover password option.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Love your eye for detail in your design work Ix.This is a really dull suggestion but.., I couldn't find a recover password option.

Thanks! Password reset is actually not active because there is no mailer hooked up to the platform. I've avoided it so far, but if it's truly needed in the future I'll wire it up. In the meantime, if you ever forget your password just email me: [email protected]

Mani 72 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Mani

Seeing as how I was on 39t.... Could I get an original member tag?

I just really like the design and color combination for it >.>




Mani 72 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Mani

Actually, should make a 'was on 39t' tag.

I'd be okay with that.

Consider this a polite reminder? kthnxplz.

STUART 486 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by STUART

Oh I was on too hence the attempt first for password recovery. I wasn't that active though

Alex 1,403 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Alex

I'd find a weekly email digest of popular topics very handy.

I think it would bring me back here more often to get involved.

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