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Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Morleys

Because Gabriel is a retard, Chambers needs a loan and we shouldn't make the same mistake with Holding as we done with Chambers

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Ix Techau

To be honest I'm not sure why we're buying another CB. Our defensive record is actually pretty good, and we have more than enough CBs at the club already.

  • Koscielny
  • Mertesacker
  • Gabriel
  • Chambers
  • Holding
  • Bielik

Surely that should be enough for the season. Never heard of a club that needed seven centre-backs to survive. Mertesacker is injured, but why couldn't we play Gabriel+Holding or Gabriel+Chambers until Koscielny comes back?

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Morleys

Because Gabriel is a retard, Chambers needs a loan and we shouldn't make the same mistake with Holding as we done with Chambers

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Ix Techau

Because Gabriel is a retard

Why did we buy him then?

Chambers needs a loan

Ok so now we have five CBs.

and we shouldn't make the same mistake with Holding as we done with Chambers

What mistake? Chambers was awesome as CB but only lost his mojo when played as RB. Wenger ruins another player by playing him out of position. Holding looked very mature yesterday, and why buy a player for £2.5m if we're not going to play him?

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Morleys

Chambers was fantastic in his first 5/6 games but got overplayed, lost form and then got raped by Baby Jeff. He didn't play a single game at CB before he came here so he should've slotted in nicely but he shouldn't have played as many games his first season, but he should've played more in his second.

Lord knows why we signed Gabriel, classic case of the StatDNA garbage not showing real life variables. Ridiculously rash and positionally awful.

I do have hopes for Holding but I'm not in a rush to see him starting for us anytime soon

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Morleys

All those things said about Gabriel could have, and was said about Koscielny during his first years. You people never learn.

Koscielny was never as bad as Gabriel is bar maybe the first 2/3 months. Gabriel's been here a year and a half and still is the same dumbo we brought in

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by VA10

He's south american. Needs more time to adapt to England than a Frenchman. The flaws that he has are the ones that disappear with time. Too anxious to prove himself. He'll calm down and settle in.

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Omglol

Gabriel is not bad, its not what we expected. I donno if we have time to wait 1 more year for him to somehow get better. Kos is getting older, we got to get experience at the back. Not sure if we should go with 2 young CB as our main defenders.

poodris 2,818 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by poodris

Per is the one who needs to be replaced. He has been a liability since he came here. They need someone else who can nullify aerial threats without being a liability in all other aspects. Especially considering they send their center halves into attack.

Bielik is a midfielder playing in defense for cover.

Holding has looked good, but preseason friendlies against garbage teams is not comparable to premier league competition. Holding should be featured prominently in league cup, FA Cup, and possibly some ucl group fixtures.

Gabriel is going to have a long adjustment period, and this was known from the beginning. He may yet fail, so they should plan for that contingency.

Koscielney misses way too many league matches. He needs cover. In addition to being unreliable, he's in the last year of his contract.

Chambers has been ruined by wengers horrific mismanagement. He needs to go on loan to the championship to actually get time on the pitch.

They should buy some seasoned veteran for immediate cover, and look to acquire koscielney replacement in 2017

medintern 196 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by medintern

Just wondering why Wilshere not on injury report yet? Is a week not long enough to be listed on there, or is there another reason.

medintern 196 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by medintern

I just completely missed it. Added him now.

Thanks. Wasn's sure if you were just waiting for the "week out" to become the "months out" before posting him.

TopTopQuality 2,753 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by TopTopQuality

Cazorla is getting old but he's still so much better than Ozil, the fish-eyed fraud.

Ozil was a last minute panic buy in a position we didn't need to strengthen. Stealing Cazorla's rightful place as n10, that fraud.

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