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Omglol 3,323 pts

CL: Arsenal vs Barcelona - 23 February 2016

Posted by Omglol over 8 years ago · 16 replies

The 60k tourists better sing at this game.

Cech, Bellerin, Per, Koscileny, Monreal, Ramsey, Coquelin, Theo, Özil, Welbeck, Giroud

Subs: Ospina, Gibbs, Flamini, Ox, Chambers, Campbell, Alexis

Bergkamp help us!


Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Omglol

They arent so strong as team now. They have crazy attack, but we can take the ball and they are shaky in defence. Its up to us to show good concentration like vs Bayern(at home ofc).

Uh, "no"...
poodris 2,818 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by poodris

They need to score 3 early goals and then spend the remaining 70 minutes of match time pretending to be stoke, and trying to break these motherfuckers' ankles.

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Omglol

Arsenal XI: Cech; Bellerin, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal; Coquelin, Ramsey; Oxlade-Chamberlain, Özil, Alexis; Giroud.

Subs: Ospina, Chambers, Gibbs, Flamini, Campbell, Walcott, Welbeck.

Arsene better saw something divine on training, because OX and Alexis starting, fak me.

Barcelona XI: Ter Stegen, Alves, Pique, Mascherano, Alba, Busquets, Rakitic, Iniesta, Neymar, Suarez, Messi.

Subs: Bravo, Vidal, Vermaelen, Mathieu, Adriano, Sergi Roberto, Munir

Do one
STUART 486 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by STUART

flam is just out of his depth, ramsey run into the ground as was coq. The goals came from missing midfield cover. Its a shame we don't really have any top quality goal scorers to convert the chances we create.

poodris 2,818 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by poodris

So, basically, they need a Dm and a striker... The two things everyone, except wenger, have been calling for for years.

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Omglol

We played great for 70 min and then for no reason we slowed the tempo, and opened our self for counter vs the best fast brake team in the world. If we play Per stay deep, we did that and we did great, why change, way to many goals Per is far up and once there is brake he is bystander. They didnt even need to earn the goals! So much effort wasted in a moment.

Do one
Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Morleys

Flamini manages to ruin everything within 1 min of coming on. Per didn't help him though

Thought Per was good until 70mins then he went mental

Very disappointing overall

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