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Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Morleys

Giroud is the perfect tournament player. If he hits form straight away he'll maintain it throughout.

If France go deep he is an absolute banker for top scorer

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Ix Techau

Always liked Giroud, but would still prefer him in a 4-4-2 or a pure 4-3-3 so he has forwards around him instead of being asked to do it all on his own up front. He's one of the best holding strikers I've ever seen, but what good does that do unless he has players close to him that are worth holding the ball for?

He's that classic traditional FM-like target man. Wins headers, brings the ball down, fantastic knock-ons and one-twos...all he need is a poacher next to him to provide the outlet for all his skills.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Morleys

Giroud is the perfect tournament player. If he hits form straight away he'll maintain it throughout.

If France go deep he is an absolute banker for top scorer

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Omglol

Keepers are shit on this tournament.

And i dont getRoy hate. He got his team out, they made a lot of good chance.After they scored he closed the game as he should. And then concede last min goal, because his first choice CB cant focus. Roy didnt do anything wrong this time.

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by VA10

What is one certain thing about Lallana? He might get past a marker brilliantly, control it magnificently etc. but he more than usually messes up the final ball or can't finish. Two of England's best chances fell to him and he bottled both as per usual. Sterling was shit all game and Kane as good as he is had a mare of a game. Why not sub the player of the season on? At 1-0 Russia started flooding the box with tall players and you had Rose mark a 32 year old central defender who spent most of his teenage years growing up in soviet union. The man jumped for the ball as if Stalin was watching with his family held at gunpoint. And I don't even want to start talking about Rooney playing midfield with Wilshere on the bench....

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by VA10

They took the lead with a freekick that was never a freekick + if not for the goalie's mistake he would have saved it. You think scoring 1 fluke goal against the weakest russian side in decades is good enough for this crop of players?

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Omglol

Lallana and Walker were the reason why England penetrate Russian discipline defence. All that nitpicking just so you can blame manager because team concede in last min. This is tournament there wont be easy team to beat.

medintern 196 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by medintern

Omglol, you have to admit having Kane taking corners is not the smartest strategy. Surely someone else on the team is better so you can have one of your bigger players who is a legitimate goal threat be able to be on the end of it. I know Woy said that Kane is the best striker, but clearly the dropoff in heading/scoring with Kane NOT in the box is greater than the dropoff with the next corner taker.

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Omglol

Omglol, you have to admit having Kane taking corners is not the smartest strategy. Surely someone else on the team is better so you can have one of your bigger players who is a legitimate goal threat be able to be on the end of it. I know Woy said that Kane is the best striker, but clearly the dropoff in heading/scoring with Kane NOT in the box is greater than the dropoff with the next corner taker.

Yes Kane taking corners is stupid, but i'm just responding to unjustified criticism to Roy as if he done some crazy wrong. England played good, scored, closed the game, concede in last min on individual mistake and lap of concentration. This happen every tournament with England. Media hype the team as if everyone are Pele, then everyone look for heads to roll. Ofc England should have try to get second goal, but if you cant get goal in open game for 75 min you do not push for second if you have the lead.

VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by VA10

Kane taking corners is stupid, rooney starting is stupid, lallana starting is stupid, jack on the bench is stupid, vardy on the bench is stupid, sturridge on the bench is stupid.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Ix Techau

One problem with the England team: no 4-4-2. British players are drilled into 4-4-2 as toddlers, and usually stick to that system well up into their teams. Some never leave it, some move on to more exotic shapes at bigger clubs...but why on earth isn't the English national team using the quintessential English shape? Especially when they have two of the top scoring strikers available to them.

Surely the only thing that makes sense in that team is Kane and Vardy up top, compact defending, hit them on the counter.

Another problem is that the manager has become this figurehead position, almost like a royal, a representation of the FA where it's more important to be a good socialite than it is to be a good manager. Roy is part of the establishment, he's a glorified FA goon. England needs a good tactician, someone who doesn't give two flying fucks about gala events and media training.

Third problem is more deep rooted: it's cultural. Our kids have too much going on from an early age. Few are willing to start training football seriously from a young age. Brazilian kids don't have much else going on than five-a-sides, playing in the streets, trick tournaments...they live and breathe football. Germany solved this problem two decades ago when they decided to invest heavily in the development of football for kids, and look at them now.

Omglol 3,323 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Omglol

Statement of EURO 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Asshole: "They celebrated like they had won the Euro cup or something. That's a small mentality. That's why they'll do nothing."

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