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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

Politically incorrect & off-topic

Posted by Ix Techau almost 9 years ago · 22 replies

Rules for this thread:

  1. Personal attacks are fine, but only against people participating in the thread. If you make a personal comment against a member who hasn't posted a comment here, you will be sent to Syria wearing a 'I HATE MUSLIMS' t-shirt.

  2. Any topic is fine. Vent your anger, expose your inner communist, complain about things no one cares about.

  3. Being offended is a choice. If this comes easy to you, best stay out of this thread and save you the headache.

That's it. I'll start: Liam is a nazi. Discuss.


Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Left-wing checklist:

  • Beheads children? Silence.
  • Rapes women? Silence.
  • Recruits kids to fight a "holy" war? Silence.
  • Drowns people alive? Silence.
  • Throws gay people off buildings? Silence.
  • Burns people alive? Silence.
  • Films executions to incite worldwide fear? Silence.
  • Organises terror attacks on holiday resorts? Silence.
  • Hunts and shoots a lion? GLOBAL OUTRAGE WE MUST STOP DENTISTS!!!!!
Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Ix Techau

Left-wing checklist:

  • Beheads children? Silence.
  • Rapes women? Silence.
  • Recruits kids to fight a "holy" war? Silence.
  • Drowns people alive? Silence.
  • Throws gay people off buildings? Silence.
  • Burns people alive? Silence.
  • Films executions to incite worldwide fear? Silence.
  • Organises terror attacks on holiday resorts? Silence.
  • Hunts and shoots a lion? GLOBAL OUTRAGE WE MUST STOP DENTISTS!!!!!
Deleted User
Posted almost 9 years ago by (user deleted)

Throws gay people off buildings? Silence.

Posted almost 9 years ago by NoIscoNoDisco

Name is Liam. Can confirm, I am a Nazi. tbh I'll take that trip to Syria

Liamdowski Staff 2,157 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Liamdowski

I've been called worse.

I would say though that mute people should be flogged to death and hung from bridges to set an example for others.

Because, y'know, reasons.

Mani 72 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Mani

Who cares if you are left wing or right wing as long as you kill Pakistani's.


COME AT ME, BRO. You a dothead by any chance? Makes it easier to aim...

Mani 72 pts
Posted almost 9 years ago by Mani

Can you read the comment above? Spotted one. NO RULES BROKEN.

Technically, you DID break the rules cuz I hadn't participated in this thread till YOU wanted me dead.

Dot or no dot?

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